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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Warriors of Class

Liberals do not strip rights from anyone. They can’t. At the moment someone strips someone else of rights, they cease to be liberal. No liberal alive in the world today has stripped the rights from anyone else. If you can name one person who has stripped rights from another, i will explain how it is that they are not a liberal. Those stripping rights from others in the world today are as follows (Albeit not necessarily in this, or any particular order, mind you): 

  • Those seeking to strip substantial proportions of the population of their ability to exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed and protected right to vote through baseless, foundation-less and unprecedented unprovoked preemptive draconian voter registration restrictions, which vast segments of the voting public are logistically, geographically, financially and/or sociologically unable to meet, based merely solely on nothing else except for which Political Party, or end of the political spectrum, that the majority of their particular demographic group is the most statistically probable to vote in favor of. 
  • Those who seek to strip to collective bargaining right of unionized labor workers which over the past century has directly produced the essential staples of American working, or middle, class known as the “weekend”, the forty hour “work week” (and the “nine to five” eight hour “work day”), vacation days, worker health, cleanliness, safety and security inspections of facilities, workers’ or workmen’s compensation and a “retirement age”. ‘ As well as those who seek to repeal the child labor laws which guarantee every American Child the right to a public education. 
  • Those who seek to undermine the right of every American child to a literate, proficient, competent public school education by attempting to impose and institute a dogmatic indoctrination of ancient prehistoric, needless to say baseless, legends, fantastically fanciful and fictitious fables, and mystical magical mythologies into the Life and Earth Sciences classrooms of the United States of America’s Public schools. 
  • Those who advocate stripping a full 51% of the nation’s population of access to a legally protected, practically risk-free medical procedure in order to decide for themselves whether or not they want to sacrifice any and all ambitions they may ever have had for the rest of their lives to give up a substantial proportion of their lives to raise a child they don't want, and are not ready nor prepared to adequately or sufficiently parent with any capable proficiency. 
  • Those seeking to systematically undermine and sabotage the sociological infrastructure “safety net” in place for the better two-thirds of the past century, consist of, respectively, the first and second most extraordinarily overwhelmingly popular government programs in the recorded history of democracy as we know it, by defunding and/or deconstructing/dismantling [called "privatization" or "personalization"] Medicare and social Security, which tens of millions, soon to be hundreds of millions, of working-class Americans have relied upon to lift them out of the most profound and resounding depths of the most abject, hopeless and desperate destitution and poverty conceivably imaginable and allow hundreds of millions of elderly senior citizens to retire comfortably after lifetime of work. 
  • Those who oppose or seek to repeal either or both the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America of July 9, 1868 AND/OR the Civil Rights Act of July 2, 1964, out of fanatical zealotry of xenophobic and/or racist bigotry. 
  • Those seeking to repeal the legislation, the first ever of its kind in the Western Hemisphere, that legally guarantees every citizen the right to receive medical care and attention at any hospital whenever they get sick or injured, and not be turned away because they happen to be poor, or have been sick before at some point in the even distant past. 
  • Those advocating against the implementation into effect of a law desegregating the United States Military armed forces and putting a permanent end to ideologically and religiously motivated puritanical witch-hunts based on little more than rumor and heresay within the United States Department of Defense which single-handedly receives well over 51% several hundred billion dollars of all the taxpayer money appropriated and allocated each and every year for the whole entirety of the United States Federal Government. 
  • Those who oppose legally guaranteed equal rights, freedoms, and liberties from a full segment of the population due to a personal prejudice against the behavior of a minority. 
If you could kindly explain to me how any of these people could possibly be considered to be in any way shape or form “liberal” by any reasonable or at all rational sense of the definition of the word; then i would be more than happy to oblige you. OR, if you would like to explain to me just how exactly it is that anyone considered to be “liberal” is stripping anyone else of their rights in such a way as these, i would be glad to hear it out. The reality is that those most in favor of class warfare are one the right, not the left. 

  • Class warfare is abolishing the working class’s ability to negotiate for better working conditions and higher wages. [16] [20] [22] 
  • Class warfare is staying silent about an unelected authoritarian regime that increases budget deficits by trillions of dollars while causing a collapse of the western developed world’s economic system by deregulating multi-trillion dollar trans-multinational for-profit corporate conglomerates, just so long as said regime slashes taxes by billions of dollars on the wealthiest 1% of all Americans [6] [10] so that those same multi-billionaire industrialists, while profiting billions of dollars into their personal wealth, can then proceed to lay of thousands of American workers from their companies; [9] but decrying and an attempt by a democratically majority-elected administration to put millions of people back to work which would DECREASE budget deficits by billions of dollars, [21] while reducing taxes for the overwhelming majority of all Americans. [19] 
  • Class warfare is pressing for the elimination of public health and safety regulations that save millions of lives on a nearly daily basis [4] and of the agencies to enforce them [3] because they cost too much of a reduction in the multi-billion-dollar profits of the most profitable industries and corporation the world has ever seen. 
  • Class warfare is staying silent about super-massive increases in budget deficits when they are caused by super-massive tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% by an unelected authoritarian regime of your own political ideological party [15] but decrying an attempt by a democratically majority-elected administration to provide life-saving medical coverage to the overwhelmingly vast majority of all Americans [12] which, according to every non ideologically driven independent analysis, would actually result in a net DECREASE in deficits of billions of dollars for years to come [18] 
  • Class warfare is repeatedly insisting that billions of dollars in tax slashing for multi-millionaires are “free” or “pay for themselves (in blatant contradiction of facts) [11] while insisting that benefits for unemployed must be “paid for” [14] by slashing sociological safety net benefits and raising taxes on the poorest of all citizens. 
  • Class warfare is the elimination of Social Security [17] and Medicare [5] the sociological infrastructure of the western democratic industrialized developed “first” world. 
  • Class warfare is forcing tax increases on 90% of all Americans in order to hold the American Representative Democratic Republic hostage [2] for billions of dollars in tax cuts for multi-billion-dollar industries and corporations and the wealthiest 1%. [8] 
  • Class warfare is giving multi-billion-dollar tax slashing to multi-billionaires. [1] [7] 
  • Class warfare is giving multi-trillion-dollar trans-multinational corporate conglomerates the voting power of American citizens in elections. [13] 

THAT is class warfare. And if you think that anyone that is anything even remotely like you or me could ever possibly win such a war in any way shape or form whatsoever, then you are sadly deluded and are fooling yourself. We ALL Lose. We can only ever lose. 

  1. Berman, Jillian. “Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every hour: Report”. The Huffington Post. December 14, 2011. 
  2. Bowen, Robert. “Republicans Offer To Raise Taxes Only If They Can Cut Them”. Examiner. November 9, 2011. 
  3. Bruce, Mary. “Sen. Paul Unveils 5-Year Budget Plan: Eliminates Four Federal Agencies”. ABC News. March 17, 2011. 
  4. Conyers, John. “Eliminating Regulations That Protect The Health And Safety Of Americans Is Not Job Creation”. The Huffington Post. November 11, 2011.
  5. Ferraro, Thomas and Smith, Donna. “Republicans Stick To Plan To Privatize Medicare”. Reuters. Wednesday May 25, 2011. 
  6. Garofalo, Pat. “GOP Super Committee Member Admits Bush Tax Cuts Didn’t Create Jobs, Can’t Explain Why”. Center For American Progress. December 4, 2011.
  7. Garofalo, Pat. “The Average Bush Tax Cut For The 1 Percent This Year Will Be Greater Than The Average Income Of The Other 99 Percent”. Center For American Progress. November 23, 2011.
  8. Gleckman, Howard. “Do Republicans Really Want To Cut Taxes On The Wealthy And Raise Them On Everyone Else?”. Forbes. August 25, 2011.
  9. Hall, Colby. “Maddow Draws contrast Between Koch’s Record Revenu and Koch’s Declining Work Force”. Mediaite. September 23, 2011. 
  10. Homan, Timothy. “Rich Americans Save Tax Cuts Instead Of Spending, Moody’s Says”. Bloomberg. Bloomberg. September 9, 2010.
  11. Johnson, Simon. “Can Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves?”. The New York Times. October 13, 2011.  
  12. Klein, Ezra. “CBO: Health-Care Reform Bill Cuts Deficit By $1.3 Trillion Over 20 Years, Covers 95%”. The Washington Post. March 18, 2010. 
  13. Lithwick, Dahlia. “The Pinocchio Project: Watching As The Supreme Court Turns A Corporation Into A Real Live Boy”. Slate. Thursday January 21, 2010. 
  14. McCarthy, Kate. “Bachmann: Pay For Unemployment Benefits, Not Tax Cuts”. ABC News. July 20, 2010. 
  15. “Rep. Dennis Kucinich Says The Bush Tax Cuts “Helped To Create A Substantial Part Of The Deficit.”. The Cleveland Plain Dealer. Wednesday April 13, 2011. 
  16. Richmond Todd. “Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Stripping Union Rights From Public Workers”. The Associated Press. May 25, 2011. 
  17. Sarlin, Benjy. “House Republicans Look To Privatize Social Security”. Talking Points Memo. June 7, 2011.
  18. Smith, Donna and Whitesides, John. “Healthcare Bill To Cut Deficit: CBO”. Reuters. Thursday March 18, 2010. 
  19. “Tax Cut For 95 Percent?” The Stimulus Made It So”. The Tampa Bay Times. January 27, 2010. 
  20. Tienabeso, Seni. “Wisconsin Assembly Approves Bill Stripping Away Union Rights”. ABC News. February 25, 2011. 
  21. Wasson, Erik. “CBO: Obama Jobs Bill Reduces Budget Deficit. The Hill. October 7, 2011. 
  22. “Wis. Assembly Passes Bill Taking Away Union Rights”. NBC News. February 25, 2011. 

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