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Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Tea Party" GOP

I had the so-called quote-end-quote "Tea Baggers" and their so-called quote-end-quote "Republican" "Tea Party", as you say "figured out" within hours of the very first "Tea Bagger/Tea Party" rally, with its shallow, narrow and closed-minded Anti-Choice, Anti-Equality, Anti-Education, Anti-Science, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and bigoted hatred-message. They don't have a leader. They've never had a leader. They'll never have a leader because the so-called quote-end-quote "Tea Party" has no real, actual policy ideas of its own. Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic extremist radical fanatical bigotry is all they have ever had, and all they will ever have. They are blindly diametrically opposed to every single concept, such as everyone getting public services like the fire department and the minimum wage, which tens of millions of people live on which are the foundation of every society in civilization.
The fact is that there actually is no so-called quote-end-quote “Tea Party”. There is not, and never has been, [and benevolent goddesses-willing, there never will be] a “National Tea Party Electoral Nomination Convention”. No candidate has ever run on the “Tea Party” ticket. There IS no “Tea Party” ticket. Every single so-called quote-end-quote “Tea Party” candidate has run as a REPUBLICAN, on the REPUBLICAN Party Ticket.
And even if, when, goddess-forbid, the “Tea-Party” “movement” does eventually completely entirely take over the Republican caucus in Congress, they will STILL be called It will still be known as the "REPUBLICAN Party”. And the argument could be made that the Tea Party so-called quote-end-quote “movement” first began at the 2008 Republican Presidential Nomination Convention. The Faux “News” channel network that tirelessly and relentlessly promoted the FIRST so-called quote-end-quote “Tea-Bagger” rallies endlessly started the so-called quote-end-quote “Tea Party”, non-stop in the summer and fall of 2009.
Ron Paul has run unsuccessfully in every national political campaign of this century
AS A REPUBLICAN. Ron Paul, is, has been, and will be (until he finally, at long last, gets booted out of office) a lifelong member of the REPUBLICAN PARTY (also known as the GOP).
The Faux "News" channel network is the media outlet mouthpiece of the Republican "Te-Party" GOP. The so-called quote-end-quote "Tea Party" could not have been co-opted by the Republican Party, if the Republican Party STARTED the so-called quote-end-quote "Tea-Party".
The first "Tea Bagger" in the fall of 2009 was composed of racist, homophobic, xenophobic and bigoted radical reactionary fanatics. The so-called quote-end-quote "Tea Party" could not have been co-opted by racists, if the so-called quote-end-quote "Tea Party" was racist from its very beginning.
The so-called, quote-end-quote "Tea Party" is not a "Grassroots Movement" in any way, shape or form not by any rationally reasonable definition of the term. It’s not a "movement". It is NOT, allow me to repeat; it is NOT "Grassroots" not y any stretch of the imagination. The so-called, quote-end-quote "Tea Party" WOULD NOT EXIST were it not for the funding by the multi-billionaire Koch Brothers ["Americans For Prosperity"], a former Republican leader in the House of Representatives, Dick Armey [Freedom Works], and their endorsement by the long-time media mouthpiece of the Conservative Republican GOP, Faux "News" [owned by the Australian 117th Richest Person in the World and the 19th Richest person in the world, a Prince of the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia] and their very own Televangelist, Glenn Beck (the one with the Messianic Martyrdom Complex the size of Alaska). The so-called, quote-end-quote "Tea Party" is NOT a "Grassroots Populist Movement". Populists, by definition, work for the best interests of the average civilian citizen, who in this nation are known as the "middle class". The "Tea Party" has repeatedly demonstrated that they could not care less what about the average person. Because that's not who their "base" is. The people they are directing their every communication at are NOT the "average" civilian citizen their focus is on the most radical, reactionary, fundamentalist extremist fanatics out there on the fringe. These people are not thinkers; they are not scientists, they are not doctors, they are not Nobel laureates, they are not professors, they are not teachers, they are not lawyers, they are not philosophers, they are not authors, they are not journalists. They are not thinkers. They are NOT intellectuals. These people do not think before acting. They do not think after acting either. They act WITHOUT thinking. These are those people who have other people to do their thinking for them. These people do not ACT They React. These people are NOT activists. They are Reactionaries. This is the "base" of the "Tea Party". The "Tea Party’s goal is not to accomplish anything. Their goal is to PREVENT anything from being accomplished. The "Tea Party's goal is not to achieve anything. Their goal is to AVOID anything from being achieved. Their goal is not to get anything done, but to STOP anything getting done. This is because they know that, when nothing gets done, that they will then be able to blame it on those people who tried but failed to achieve anything, rather than on those who prevented anything from getting accomplished. THIS is why they lose. No matter how many electoral victories they might win, they will ALWAYS lose and it is because governing is not about REACTING to what others say and do. It is about getting things DONE. It's not about promising to YOUR people what it is that you WON'T do or why they should NOT pick the "other" guy. It is about KEEPING your promises to ALL of the people, about what you WILL do, and about telling those people why it is that they SHOULD choose you.
The most recent polling says that around about approximately 20-25% (on fifth to one-fourth) of ALL America identify themselves as Republicans. It also shows that the percentage of registered voters who self-identify themselves as being members of the so-called quote-end-quote "Tea Party" is, and has been sign the "movement" started in 2009, in the SINGLE DIGITS (less than ten percent). The voter turnout in the recent midterm primary elections that have "elected" reactionary fundamentalist extremist Right-wing Neo Conservative radical fanatics has been among the lowest numbers of voters to vote in ANY election Anywhere ever recorded. In EVERY state, the DEMOCRAT who LOST his/her primary received several times MORE votes than did the Republican who WON his/her primary. Ever Congressional election in a district that went to President Obama in the 2008 election has produced a DEMOCRATIC winner coming out victorious.
No "Liberal" Democrat has any reason to "Embarrassed", much less "ashamed" of having voted for the very first African-American President and leader of the free "civilized" western world in our Nation's 300-year history, A leader who has accomplished more to help the least privileged of all our people in just less than two years than his predecessor before him did in order to further the interests of the richest and wealthiest of Americans throughout most of the last decade, including a number of several things which EVERY President for the past Half A Century has attempted, and ultimately Failed to achieve. The 20% of Americans who identify as Conservative Republicans? The less than 10% of those people who currently self-identify as calling themselves the "Tea Party"? That’s a majority all right!
Oh yeah. The Tea Party Republicans just LOVE the Constitution to death [Except, that is, for all of the parts of it that they want to "change", abolish, repeal, or "amend"; such as the First and Fourteenth Amendments].
The So-called quote-end-quote "Republican" "Tea-Party" GOP Political Party's strategy is three-fold:
Step #1.) Get rid of the Organized Labor Unions, the only remaining opposition groups on the Organized Liberal Left standing in the way of Right-Wing Neoconservative cabals such as Dick Armey's "Freedom Works", David H. Koch Petrochemical Pharmaceutical Industries' "Americans For Prosperity", the United States Corporate Industry "Chamber of Commerce", and Karl Rove's "Crossroads GPS".
Step #2.) Utilize "Republican" control of State Legislatures throughout the nation in order to pass into law legislation instituting reactionary radical Photographic-Identification and Documentation requirements in order for citizens to register to vote in Elections (such as requiring College Students to vote in the District in Which their parents live, instead of where they attend school); eliminating poor people without Photo-ID, drivers licenses or passports, elderly senior citizens, and University College Students, three of the main primary demographic groups that have, for many decades, made up the foundational voting base of the Democratic Party.
Step #3.) Uphold the "Citizens United" John Roberts Supreme Court ruling decision, meaning that Corporations can, will, and do spend unprecedented extraordinary quantities of tens of billions of dollars to influence misinformed, easily deceived and easily swayed or persuaded average American citizens to vote against their own best interests, the vast overwhelming majority, very nearly all ([roughly approximately 90% percent]) of which regularly and predictably goes almost exclusively toward supporting "Republican" Candidates and so-called "Tea-Party" Neoconservative legislative issues and Causes.
Is there any mystery at all why racial and ethnic minority population demographics have been voting in vast majorities for "Liberal" Democratic candidates in every single election since the first years of the 1950's? Is it any surprise that vast majorities of racial and ethnic minority demographics have always and will continue to consistently vote for the Democratic Party? Is it any wonder, since the "Conservative" Republican-ruled state of Arizona passed a law requiring it police officers to engage in racial profiling (a "law-enforcement" strategy that has never been shown to work, and has been demonstrated to hinder actual law enforcement) to arrest and detain anyone who appears or looks like they might be of Hispanic origin or ancestry [1] [8] [9] [14] [17] And since Conservatives opposed the Emancipation proclamation to the point of open armed rebellion, the fact the Kentucky's Senator-elect Rand Paul stated repeatedly on live national television news that he would, if given the opportunity, still to this day act to repeal he 1964 civil rights act [4] [10] [11] [12] [13] [19] [22]. That Former Republican Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado proposed in a speech that the real problem with our nation's electoral system process in this country is actually that we no longer use Jim-Crow-Era so-called "civics literacy tests" to keep and prevent minority populations from voting [2] [3] [6] [18] [20] [23] [24] [25] [27] And the Saudi-Royal-family/Australian-billionaire-owned Faux "News Network channel, the mouthpiece for the neoconservative "Tea Party"; urges Republicans to fight to stop and end the affirmative Action education policies that have given tens of millions of young minority citizens a better and more effective education all across the nation for half of a century [5] [7] [15] [16] [21] [26]
A Hispanic Latino in a party that believes that all people from Latin America are inherently wicked and evil and that they are out to insidiously infiltrate and destroy the united states from the within inside out? Maybe not a disgrace to their race but certainly one who betrays their race to those who seek to harm them. A turncoat, to be certain and, if the Republican Tea Party GOP had their way and revoked the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United Sates of America (which states that all people born in America are US citizens) being the descendant of immigrants to this country from elsewhere in the world, he would be ineligible to hold any elected office in the United States Government, or any government in the United States as, with the deletion of the fourteenth amendment, he and tens of millions like him (including yourself, by the way) would automatically have their US citizenship revoked, and would more likely than not be subsequently expedient deported by the very same Republican Tea Party GOP legislators that people very much like yourself have just made the mistake blunder of voting for and electing.
Whether or not the democrats were doing everything everyone hoped they might do to help support homosexual civil rights is irrelevant. The democrats weren't the ones HURTING homosexuals. The democrats were the ones trying and attempting to STOP the people who wanted to hurt homosexuals. They tried to stop the Republican Tea Party GOP. The republicans have been attempting for decades to eliminate and destroy civil rights for homosexuals in this nation and the tea party were the ones saying that homosexuals should be sterilized, or euthanized, because homosexuality is a contagious and terminal plague and homosexuals who voted for the Republican Tea Party GOP this past Tuesday were voting for the very same people who have been trying for decades to destroy them and everything that they might ever want to have or do. EVERYONE who voted for the Republican Tea Party GOP last Tuesday voted for people who are intent of systematically de-constructing the infrastructure that makes up the foundation of our democracy (eliminating the Departments of Education, and Health and Human Services; and privatizing all Hospitals, Police and Fire Departments, and Prisons;
as well as deleting the first, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, thirteenth, fourteenth, nineteenth, and twenty-fourth amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America) [mind you, The so-called quote-end-quote "Tea Party" is the "people's" party; these are "populist" "constitutional constructionists"]. Democracy only works when people vote for what they actually want. When people start voting AGAINST their own best interests, then democracy stops working.
What possible reason in the wide world of all things sane and rational would President Obama possibly have to NOT run for re-election on his legislative policy record as President once the 2012 elections roll around? President Obama has accomplished as much in the past two years since his inauguration as the last Democratic President managed to get done in two terms and one hell of a lot more than the last THREE Republican Presidents were ever capable of having done in TWENTY cumulative years in the Oval Office of the White House. In just the last twenty short months President Obama has ALSO managed to achieve something which EVERY single President, from both parties, Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative, has tried and FAILED to accomplish throughout the past half-of-a-century (50 years).
The Republican Tea Party GOP minority in Congress (one of whom would be the only even quasi-viable pick to run against the sitting incumbent President two years from now) has not proposed one single piece of legislation, and has used the filibuster (the root term of which comes from the Dutch word for "Pirate") more than any legislature in the 300 year history of our nation's government; and has blocked, voted against, and voted down every single policy put forward by anyone in the government whom is not a so-called, quote-end-quote "Tea Party" Republican, and/or whom has actually been even the tiniest bit interested at all in actually GOVERNING the nation, or in actually getting anything done.
President Obama managed to achieve something that EVERY President, Democrat and Republican, has attempted and failed to accomplish for the past half a century. President Obama has accomplished at least as much in less than two years than the previous Democratic President achieved in two terms, and much more than the last President, his predecessor, managed in eight years. Has President Obama done "enough"? Of course not. No one has EVER done "enough". No one will EVER do "enough". The simple fact is that there ALWAYS has been, and ALWAYS will be, MUCH more left still to do.
No one could EVER do "enough". Nothing anyone does will EVER be "enough. No matter what ANYBODY ever does, there will ALWAYS be someone for whom they did not do "Enough". What I would like to know, from all of those whom are proposing that President Obama be replaced with someone else because he has not done "enough" is: WHO? Who would you replace someone who has NOT done "enough" with whom WILL do "enough". Like it or not, President Obama HAS actually done some real things. To replace someone who has actually DONE things with someone who done NOTHING, simply because you think that the person in question has not done "enough". Is there a rational person in this world to whom that makes even the slightest bit of sense? Has President Obama DONE things? YES. Is what he has done "ENOUGH"? NO. Of course not. But my question is: Who would you replace President Obama with who WOULD do "enough"? Is there anyone out there in this world who could possibly EVER do "enough"? There is always more to do.
  1. Archibold, Randal. “Arizona Enacts Stringent Law On Immigration”. The New York Times. April 23, 2010.
  2. “At Tea Party Convention, Tancredo Says Obama Elected Due To Lack Of “Civics Literacy Test” Requirement For Voting”. Media Matters For America. February 5, 2010.
  3. Baker, Kathleen. “Tancredo States Civics Literacy Test Not Racially Biased”. Examiner. February 8, 2010.
  4. Balz, Dan and Thompson, Krissah. “Rand Paul Comments About Civil Rights Stir Controversy”. The Washington Post. Friday May 21, 2010. 
  5. Barr, Andy. “NAACP Weighs Tea Party Resolution”. Politico. December 7, 2010. 
  6. Berman, John and Portnoy, Steven. “Tea Party Fireworks: Speaker Rips McCain, Obama, “Cult Of Multiculturalism”. ABC News. February 4, 2010. 
  7. Beinart, Peter. “Fix Affirmative Action Now”. Newsweek. July 21, 2010.
  8. Blackstone, John. “Will Arizona’s Law Lead To Racial Profiling?”. CBS News. April 26, 2010. 
  9. Campo-Flores, Arian. “Will Arizona’s New Immigration Law Lead To Racial Profiling?”. Newsweek. April 26, 2010.
  10. Cordes, Nancy and Hirschkorn, Phill. “Rand Paul, Jack Conway Face Off In Kentucky Senate Debate”. CBS News. October 4, 2010. 
  11. Davis, Susan. “Rand Paul Taking Heat For Civil Rights Act Comments”. The Walls Street Journal. May 20, 2010. 
  12. Dwyer, Devin and Karl, Jonathan. “Rand Paul Says He’s Being “Trashed Up And Down” by “Democratic Talking Points”. ABC News. May 21, 2010. 
  13. Feldman, Linda. “Rand Paul: Civil Rights Act Brouhaha Clouds Senate Campaign”. The Christian Science Monitor. May 20, 2010. 
  14. Gaynor, Tim and Schwartz, David. “Arizona Passes Tough Illegal Immigration Law”. Reuters. Monday April 19, 2010. 
  15. Godsey, Kristin and Pinkerton, James. “Why Affirmative Action Won’t Die: Republicans, The Courts, And California Have Declared War On It. But Racial Preference Policies Have Two Things Going For Them: Economic Logic—And Lawyers.”. Fortune. November 13, 1995. 
  16.  Jilani, Zaid. “Right Wing Reacts With Rage To First Muslim American Miss USA: “An Odd Form Of Affirmative Action”. Center For American Progress. May 17, 2010. 
  17. Khan, Huma. “Legalizing Racial Profiling? Arizona Immigration Bill Draws Fire”. ABC News. April 22, 2010. 
  18. Maloy, Simon. “Breitbart’s Big Journalism Rallies To Tom “Literacy Test” Tancredo’s Defense”. Media Matters For America. February 12, 2010.
  19. “Rand Paul On “Maddow” Defends Criticism Of Civil Rights Act, Says He Would Have Worked To Change Bill (Video)”. The Huffington Post. May 25, 2011.
  20. Roth, Zachary. “Tancredo: Obama Elected Because “We Do Not Have A Civics, Literacy Test”. Talking Points Memo. February 5, 2010. 
  21. Smith, Ben. “A Conservative Dismisses Right Wing Black Panther “Fantasies”. Politico. July 16, 2010. 
  22. Smith, Ben. “Rand Paul Won’t Answer Civil Rights Act Question”. Politico. May 19, 2010. 
  23. “Tea Party Convention Organizer Defends Tancredo’s “Civics Literacy Test” Comments”. Media Matters For America. February 5, 2010.
  24. “Tom Tancredo: Obama Elected Because “We Do Not Have A Civics, Literacy Test” To Vote”. The Huffington Post. May 25, 2011. 
  25. Weigel, David. “Tom Tancredo’s Literacy Test: The Controversy That Wasn’t (Video)”. The Washington Independent. Friday February 5, 2010.
  26. Weisberg, Jacob. “Republican Revisionism: Conservative Principles Are Very Nice—As Long As They Don’t Get In The Way”. Slate. Sunday December 22, 1996. 
  27. Zimmerman, Eric. “Tancredo Tells Tea Partiers: Literacy Test For Voters Would Have Stopped Obama”. The Hill. May 2, 2010.

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